The CTR offers an option to change your password whenever required. From the CTR Login page, you can click on the Forgot my password link to be provided with a temporary password to access the Registry.
Space after the generated password
When you receive the temporary password by email, it is important to pay attention to any extra space that might be selected along with the password, which could be before or after the string of characters. The system considers these blank spaces as extra characters, which would make the temporary password fail.
Multiple use of function leads to multiple passwords, with only latest one being valid
Sometimes, when making a request for a temporary password, there is a slight delay in the reception of the email link. There can be numerous reasons for this; it is important to note that if the request for a temporary password is sent a second time, a second temporary password will be generated and the first request, even though it might not yet have been received, will become invalid. Always use the most recently received temporary password.
Changing password after generating new temporary password
Once you’ve received a temporary password, it is important to change it to something more easily remembered. From the Home page, click on the My Profile link, then click on the Change Password tab. Type or paste in the temporary password as the Old Password (making sure that no extra spaces have been selected when copying the temporary password), and then enter a new password in the New Password field. Enter it again in the Confirm New Password field and click the Submit button.